

Compassion is a part of God's character, and his character has never changed. Everything that Jesus did came from God’s heart. The motivation for his actions was compassion.

 Learn more about how you can be compassionate to people around you and reflect God’s character to them. While it may seem hard at times, there is nothing more rewarding than to be  compassionate to people, both those that live close to you and those that may be far away – even on the other side of the globe.

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Andrey and Tanya Shpygunov

Tanya was born in Russia and moved to Crimea during her childhood. There she experienced such compassion from Christians that it impacted her entire life. She met and married Andrey, who grew up in Crimea, and was converted to Christ from a life of drugs and crime. Together they have ministered with young people in Crimea for ten years, and for the last five years in Ukraine, where they now lead the work of ServeNow. They live in Irpen, Ukraine and have two sons and one daughter.