God's Love

God’s LoveSometimes you may have asked, “Is there a true loving God? And if he exists, Where can we find this loving God?” In this booklet you will discover the extent of God’s everlasting and limitless love. You will discover how much you are loved and distinguished in the eyes of God, and you will find that God has not forsaken you for a single moment. He will not leave you if you believe in him. Start reading the Bible as a symbol of this faith in the God of the Bible. You will advance in the knowledge of God and put your feet on the right path to start a new journey of love aimed at realizing the full love of Christ for us.

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Dr. Lars Dunberg

Lars was born and raised in Sweden. He ministered in several denominations and then served at the President of International Bible Society (Biblica) as well as founder and president for several other global mission organizations. He is married to Doreen and have three children and seven  grandchildren.