

True faith in Jesus results in a lifestyle marked by obedience to him and his word. To say that we trust in Jesus but then not obey him and his commands is to fool only ourselves. But how do we obey him? How is our faith in him lived out in our daily lives? What does the Bible say about obedience?

The Basic Things You Need to Know About Obedience is a clear guide to help us demonstrate our faith in specific and practical ways in our lives. This book addresses the blessing of obedience, the battle of obedience, counterfeit obedience versus true obedience, and more, while also providing real life and biblical examples of people who model obedience.

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Ben Foley

Ben Foley was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, well known for its Amish community. Ben attended Lancaster Bible College where he graduated with a pastoral ministry degree. He pastored a church along the New Jersey shore for six years before joining ServeNow to step into the role of international president. Ben and his wife, Lauren, have four children. He has completed his master’s degree in formational leadership through Lancaster Bible College. Ben is the author or coauthor of several of the ServeNow Basic Series booklets.