Pain and Suffering

Pain and Suffering

Have you ever been in intense pain? Are you surrounded by people who are suffering either physically or emotionally? Why is there so much sickness around us? Why did your best friend have to die so young? How can an all-powerful, loving God allow natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes and cyclones?

This booklet will lead you to some answers to one of the most basic questions of the Christian faith.

Some of the answers may surprise you. Read and been ecouraged in your faith, whether you are a new Christian or have known Christ for many years.

Get the PDF
Dr. Lars Dunberg

Lars was born and raised in Sweden. He ministered in several denominations and then served at the President of International Bible Society (Biblica) as well as founder and president for several other global mission organizations. He is married to Doreen and have three children and seven  grandchildren.