

Christians have been persecuted since the resurrection of Jesus. But persecution is not limited only to history. In more than fifty countries in the world, Christians experience persecution of all kinds.

We hear horror stories of Christians being murdered, raped, or beaten, and churches being raided and burned. But persecution can also take more subtle forms. Christian children may be denied higher education, Christians in the workplace may lose their jobs or be passed over for promotion. Slander and other verbal assaults are not uncommon.

The Basic Things You Need to Know About Persecution helps us to understand why Christians are persecuted and find a variety of biblical ways for us to realize how we can personally react to both persecution and the persecutors.

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A Persecuted Christian

This Persecuted Christian is a Christian brother involved in full-time ministry in India, serving the church and assisting many people in need. He is married, with children and grandchildren.