
What is Salvation?

A rich young man once asked Jesus, “What must I do to be saved?” It is a question that people, rich or poor, have been asking throughout the ages. What does it mean to be saved? How important is it for every person to know the Gospel? Is there really a literal Hell and a literal Heaven? What happens when we die?

The Basic Things You Need to Know About Salvation answers these very important questions with grasp, biblical explanation of salvation. This book covers topics like freedom from sin, the assurance of an eternity with God, the relationship between faith and works, and the meaning of grace. Hear Jesus’ answer to the rich young man: “The work of God is this…”

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Dr. Lars Dunberg

Lars B. Dunberg is originally from Sweden, and has lived both in Britain and the United States. He has ministered in over 85 countries, and worked alongside believers from all walks of life. His passionis to help every believer understand, and share, the life-giving basics of the Gospel.