

Have you ever been tempted? Of course you have! You will never be free from temptation. When you give in to temptation, you feel guilty. You may not be sure how to get out of an environment or a thought-life that continues to feed all kinds of tempting thoughts.

This booklet will show you how to avoid temptation taking root and eventually leading to sin. It will encourage you to seek the power that will make it possible for you to resist temptation and live a life pleasing to God; the life you have always desired to live as a follower of Jesus.

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Dr. Lars Dunberg

Lars was born and raised in Sweden. He ministered in several denominations and then served at the President of International Bible Society (Biblica) as well as founder and president for several other global mission organizations. He is married to Doreen and have three children and seven  grandchildren.

Ben Foley

Ben Foley was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, well known for its Amish community. Ben attended Lancaster Bible College where he graduated with a pastoral ministry degree. He pastored a church along the New Jersey shore for six years before joining ServeNow to step into the role of international president. Ben and his wife, Lauren, have four children. He has completed his master’s degree in formational leadership through Lancaster Bible College. Ben is the author or coauthor of several of the ServeNow Basic Series booklets.