Healing fromTrauma
We live in a broken world full of trauma. At some level allof us experience traumatic events. Whether we are living with trauma or knowsomeone who is; there is often little understanding of how to navigate throughit to find healing. This booklet addresses trauma from a compassionate andbiblical perspective.
You will find helpful insight and assurance of God’s heart towards you, as well as principles to help process trauma and traumatic events. Jesus is Immanuel, God with us. He understands our deepest pain, having endured, and overcome the greatest trauma himself.
Ben Foley joined ServeNow in January 2015 and became president in November 2016. Ben has served as a pastor in New Jersey for six years and is a graduate of Lancaster Bible College with a bachelor’s in pastoral ministry and a master’s degree in formational leadership. He is the author and co-author of several of the ServeNow Basic Series books.