World Religions and Cults

World Religions

There are many religions and cults in the world today. It is easy to become confused and wonder why we believe something different than they do.

While this book cannot be exhaustive, it deals with six of the larger religions and three of some of the more common cults in the world.

There are comparisons between what these groups believe and what is stated in God’s Word, the Bible. It will help us see the difference sand help us find ways how we can share Jesus with people from other walks of life. The Scripture encourages us: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15 NIV).

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Dr. Lars Dunberg

Lars was born and raised in Sweden. He ministered in several denominations and then served at the President of International Bible Society (Biblica) as well as founder and president for several other global mission organizations. He is married to Doreen and have three children and seven  grandchildren.